Avocados are naturally creamy, which make them the perfect candidate for making ice cream. Swap out the pistachio topping with an alternatives like chocolate, coconut, or citrus zest.


  • 2 medium BayFarms avocados – sliced.
  • 1 400ml can of coconut milk (See below)
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • Fresh mint leaves to taste 5-6 leaves.
  • Juice from Β½ Lemon
  • Crushed pistachios (optional)


Get ice cream moulds ready, this can also be made in a loaf tin or in any freezer friendly container.

Scoop out the solid part of the coconut milk into a blender and save the liquid part to use in another recipe (like a smoothie or curry), Add the banana, maple syrup, lemon juice and mint leaves and the peeled and pitted BayFarms avocados.

Blend until smooth.

Pour the mixture into the moulds or container and use the back of a spoon to even out mixture.

Garnish with crushed pistachios

Place in the freezer for at least 4 hours or overnight.
